2024 | Edition

Drones for Good Guide

- Understand the Ecosystem - 

Whether you’re looking for collaborators, conducting market research, or searching for your next dream job, this free guide has everything you need to successfully navigate the #dronesforgood ecosystem.

What's Inside


Skimmable snapshots of 15 different #dronesforgood verticals


Curated list of 123 of the best industry resources – including working groups, courses, toolkits, white papers, and more.


Breakdown of 175 companies and organizations leveraging drones for good


Clickable links to all resources, companies, and references 

“To say that the ‘Drones for Good Guide’ is the most impressive report on the topic I've encountered is an understatement.  I've been in the drones for good space for more than ten years now, and nothing comes close to creating the kind of value and insights that this resource offers.  

Kat has just set the ultimate gold standard for our space. This guide will serve as my number-one go-to resource from here on out.”


Dr. Patrick Meier

Co-founder & EX-ED of WeRobotics | Co-founder of the Humanitarian UAV Network | Founder of the Climate Robotics Network


The Drones For Good Guide covers 15 verticals, ranging from climate science and medical drone delivery to wildlife conservation and infectious disease.

"If you're looking to create or expand your drone programme in the humanitarian, development or non-profit sector, the Drones for Good Guide is an excellent resource that will save you hundreds of hours researching key aspects and considerations of drone use in various sectors."

Tautvydas Juskauskas
Innovation Specialist, UNICEF Malawi

“I can’t keep track of technological progress anymore; it’s too quick and diffuse. In the drone space, I’m constantly looking for references that point to resources for specific problems in a succinct and practical manner. This is exactly what Kat delivers in this e-book. 

I love the way it walks us through use cases, challenges and then a set of curated resources. 

If you are a generalist you’ll find it a super useful, easy-to-navigate overview of resources. If you’re a specialist, you might only use a few of its pages but they’ll take you straight to those resources that are most relevant to you. 

Highly recommended!”

Olivier Cottray
Director of Humanitarian Services, ESRI

“Other authors may have produced more generic drone handbooks, but Four Hundred Feet's Guide to Drones for Good stands out as exceptional. 

This guide focuses on beneficial social initiatives and is not only informative but also easy to understand. Despite its brevity, it is incredibly comprehensive and serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to learn more about the subject, with easy access to relevant and useful resources.

What sets this guide apart is its unique and groundbreaking content, which delves into use-case categories that have not been covered before.”

David Guerin
UAV Regulations Consultant, The World Bank 

Kat James

Founder | Four Hundred FEet

My name is Kat James and I'm a drone and data consultant based in Nairobi, Kenya. 

I believe that we've just scratched the surface of the positive impact drone technology can make in areas like conservation, disaster management, and precision agriculture.

By sharing information and creating more opportunities for connection and collaboration, I believe we can catalyze innovation in the sector.

I hope you use this guide to find collaborators, conduct market research, or land your dream job. 

Together, we can leave the planet a little better than we found it.


- Kat James


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